HORRIBLENOISE, named for his taste in music, is a street artist and graffiteur gone rogue on the wild new fronteer of sloppy DIY internet art. In only a few years of concerted practice, and without any formal art education, HORRIBLENOISE has managed to assert himself as a well-known figure in the low-brow/anti-social art and comic communities.
During a 12 month student exchange to Northern Japan, he was classically trained in the art of Japanese calligraphy against his will. HORRIBLENOISE rebelled against the rigidity of this art form and his overbearing instructor by developing a scratchy, violent font that got the Sensei fuming mad every single lesson. This conflict is the core of his signature handstyle, but moreover it was a jumping off point for his art style in general.
Dealing with themes of alienation, anxiety, narcissism, ultra-violence, and hyper-sexuality, HORRIBLENOISE speaks to the animal in us all.