Hey its ur boi, horriblenoi. I hope you're doing well.
What's new with me, you ask? Pretty much everything.
On February first I moved about 4,382 km from Vancouver BC to Toronto Ontario.
[AKA "City of Ass" / "the Big Smoke"].
[AKA "City of Ass" / "the Big Smoke"].
My plan wasn't entirely clear, but the goal was to fully pursue being an artist, musician & clothing designer. If you didn't know, Toronto has a much larger population, and a lot more going on in terms of cultural production & the arts.
My partner in HORRIBLENOISE.CA and now band mate @jellyc0la followed a few weeks behind me.
We've really landed on our feet here in T.O., having secured a spicy apartment together, as well as a couple'a wickedsicc day jobs that leave us plenty of free time to create.
As a result, we are more or less half way through production of our debut electro-punk album under the name HEAD HONCHO, and more importantly , we've produced a MASSIVE all-new catalogue of t-shirt designs for our Summer 2018 catalogue!
I can say with confidence that this new run of pocket-print tees contains my best designs yet.

All the designs for this new line are adapted or taken directly from my massive collection of stick-n-poke tattoo flash. So naturally, these new designs consist of minimalistic line drawings with my signature tongue-in-cheek antisocial vibe.

Stay tuned over the next few days, as we drop 6 new designs at a 20% discount, with another 10% of the profit portion of your purchase going to charity!
As usual, for the duration of the launch campaign, we will be donating partial proceeds from all sales at HORRIBLENOISE.CA to a cause we feel compelled to support.
This time around we've chosen to donate to SKETCH, which is a community arts enterprise based in Toronto. SKETCH works to engage young people ages 16-29, from across Canada, who are navigating poverty, and are experiencing homelessness or otherwise living on the margins.

This cause resonates with HORRIBLENOISE because god dam, we've been on a hard grind for a long time now. I can say from experience that being a starving artist (as romantic as it may sound) is not a fucking cakewalk.
While financial hardship has inspired much of my artistic output, (In terms of everything from my defeatist existential attitudes, to the idea of making "garbage art" using found materials), it can take a massive toll on your mental and physical health. For those who face even greater hardships than I have, its hard to imagine them finding the time or practical means to succeed commercially in the arts. At the same time, its easy to imagine them creating art that is massively unpretentious, totally raw, and extremely "in-touch" by way of drawing from their experiences of such marginalization.

We're proud to support an enterprise that works to help foster that passion and develop those skills in disadvantaged youth here in our new city.
If any of that makes sense to you, be sure to cop a shirt or two from us before the end of this 2 week campaign. if the banner is still up on the homepage, your purchase will still add to our contribution!
We've decided to call this new run of products MILLENAISSANCE 2018.
I remember learning about the notion of the European "Renaissance" in the eighth grade. my teacher described it as a uniquely rich period of growth in all fields of art and science, all thanks to the emergence of the "renaissance man" who was essentially afuck intellectual and fuck "man", but
I've jumped headfirst into my attempt to make it as a creative
I'm taking classes in stand up comedy, improv, and even acting at the infamous Second City here in Toronto, not to mention working harder than ever at creating visual art and humor, as well as music.
help ur boi, as well as other art-oriented youths achieve a lil bit of ye olde self-actualization. Grab yourself a piece of HORRIBLENOISE and join the milenaissance today!