Hello, its me, horriblenoise.
Since you last heard from me I quit my restaurant job to be a full-time artist, but I got addicted to freediving for Dungeness Crabs & became super unproductive, so I have since gone back to my restaurant job part-time. Turns out crabs don't pay the bills.
I also had my first ever showing at an actual art gallery. Which was way too cool. It was on Halloween night, and the theme was "garbage", it was also a costume party:

All my best Vancouver homeys came out, along with some instagram friends who I got to meet in person for the first time, as well as ton of entirely new faces, who had heard about the event from the promotion stuff we did. Even some legit arty types came to check things out.

The whole thing took place in what is generally a ceramics gallery. There was super expensive handmade pottery everywhere. I can still hardly believe that no one, including myself, smashed anything.

Straight after the gallery show, I Hustled all my unsold paintings over to Vancouver's oldest and most famous Hardcore dive bar; Funky Winkerbeans. They agreed to show my work around the bar, & even gave me a shoutout when they opened up the karaoke stage that night. All my stuff is still being displayed there, in case you want to view or buy some HORRIBLENOISE in a grungy dive like god intended.
So that's what I've been up to recently. As for what I'm up to right now, ur boi's droppin a whole new line of hoodies, zip hoodies, and sweaters for winter 2018. Shit I even did a bit of a "lookbook" style photoshoot with big-dawg director / photographer Lauren Dunn (Vogue Magazine, Rocnation, Big Sean). That was really different, and a lot fun.
Scope some for yourself:

So there you have it. Three days. 2 new products each day at 20% off, only for 24 hours.
As usual, all orders during the launch will receive free stickers and a hand-painted HORRIBLE fabric patch.
Treat yourself, or get someone a unique xmas gift on the cheap-cheap while you can.
stay greasy,